The dark green power button symbolizes procuring at the click of the button ensuring Value for Money (VfM) in Government Procurement.

The red burning flame overarching the whole logo signifies the elimination of any fraudulent and corrupt practices in procurement.

The letters 'e-GP' on a white background symbolizes integrity and transparency in government procurement. The open book at the bottom of the logo signifies transition from manual to electronic (paperless) procurement system.
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Frequently Asked Questions Go To e-Learning
1. What is the e-GP?

The Electronic Government Procurement (e-GP) of the Royal Government of Bhutan is a single web portal from where and through which Procuring agencies and bidders will be able to perform their procurement activities using a dedicated secured web-based dashboard. It is hosted in the Government Data Center at IT Park,Thimphu.

2. What is a Dashboard?

Dashboard is an interactive user interface for each user in the e-GP System that organizes and presents information and links to the system users in a unified display to make it easy to access, track and transact.

3. Who are the Stakeholders of the e-GP?

Following are the stakeholders of e-GP and the system provides them a secured access to related functionalities of the e-GP, based on the user's role, through a dedicated dashboard:

  • Procuring Agencies.
  • Development Partners.
  • Bidders.
  • Financial institute/Bank

    4. How to participate in the Tendering?

    To participate in tenders published on e-GP, the Bidders have to first register in the e-GP and get it approved by the PMDD, DNP. Only after the successful registration process, a bidder gets access to e-GP System and participates in the tendering process.

    5. What is the registration process for a bidder?

    Any interested bidders should open and click on the tab Bidder Registration. Then the system will guide step by step. For details, refer to the Bidder Registration User Manual. Bidders are advised to use a valid company email id rather than the personal email id. The applicant must read and accept the terms and conditions of the e-GP system and should be aware of the disclaimer and privacy policy of the e-GP System. The registering bidder must provide:

    1. For goods and services: a valid trade license number and upload the self-declaration/power of attorney depending upon who is registering the company.
    2. For works: a valid trade license number, CDB certificate number and upload the self-declaration/power of attorney depending upon who is registering the company.

      6. Is there any fee for registration?

      Currently, the Ministry of Finance does not charge any fees for Registration of the bidders. However the Ministry of Finance reserves the rights to set reasonable charges of the e-GP System for the sustainability of the System in future.

      7. What mode of communications can be used to seek clarification related to e-GP?

      Most preferred mode of communication is by reaching the PMDD office via . Further clarifications can be obtained by calling the helpdesk numbers provided under "Contact us" at the bottom of e-GP home page.

      8. Is it mandatory to attend e-GP Training for Bidders?

      No, the e-GP training is not mandatory and training opportunities are provided to all interested bidders who wish to attend the training.

      9. Who should attend e-GP training?

      It is mandatory for identified government agencies who are involved in the procurement activities, and it is optional for the bidders.

      10. Do you have user manuals for e-GP?

      Yes, it is available. Users can view and download the user manuals from the e-Learning tab on e-GP homepage.

      11. How can the users retrieve the password?

      Click on the Forgot Password link and enter your email ID, give your Hint question and answer and the password reset link will be sent to your registered email inbox to reset your password.

      12. How do the users change the password if required?

      Users can change their password by clicking on My Account and sub tab Change password.

      13. How can the users change the registered Email Address/User ID in e-GP?

      Change in Email Address is not allowed at any circumstances except for those with the legit reason. In such cases, the concerned bidder has to write to PMDD with all the supporting documents.

      14. Who does the registration for bidders?

      It is the sole responsibility of bidders to register in the e-GP.

      15. Where do I find the Self Declaration form?

      The self-declaration form can be downloaded from the supporting document upload page during the bidder registration process. It can also be downloaded from the Downloads on the e-GP homepage.

      16. Where do I find the Power of Attorney form?

      There is no separate form provided by the PMDD for the Power of Attorney. The Bidders can use their own format for Power of Attorney.

      17. How can the bidders change the Procurement Category?

      This can be done from the Bidder Dashboard by hovering your mouse on My account where you will get a link for Request for New procurement Category option. By clicking on the link, you can change your new procurement category and submit it to PMDD. The PMDD will approve based on the proper verification of the required documents.

      18. If I have both CDB (works) and Trade License (Goods) can I register with one e-GP user ID?

      No. You are required to register separately in the e-GP if the trade license numbers are different.

      19. How to re-submit the documents when a bidder?s registration is returned for modification for submitting an invalid documents?

      Delete all unclear/old documents by clicking on the Remove button and upload new documents and submit again for approval.

      20. How do the bidders know the bid security is updated by the bank users?

      You need to log in and go to the dashboard of that bid and click on the Payment tab. Then click on the Tender Security tab to view the status of the payment.

      21. How do the bidders map/upload supporting documents during bid preparation in e-GP?

      If there are any documents required to be mapped for that particular tender, then there will be an icon with (-) sign. The list of the documents that need to be mapped will be shown in the dropdown option sequentially. Once the required documents are uploaded, the pending numbers will decrease to 0. Then if the bidder intends to upload any additional documents, then you may upload it by selecting the others option.

      22. How do the bidders update the performance security?

      You need to visit a preferred financial institution after accepting the LOA offered by the procuring agency and then request the bank users to update performance security for the tender by providing your tender Id

      23. Can the bidders delete any uploaded document from the document library?

      There is no option to delete the documents once uploaded in the system and it will be saved in the document library for future use. Any unwanted documents will have to be pushed to Archive

      24. How can the bidders view the opening report?

      Following are steps to view the opening report:

      1. Go to Tender.
      2. Click on the Archive tab.
      3. Click on the dashboard of your particular tender.
      4. Click on the Opening tab.
      5. Click on View BOR to view the report shared by the Procuring Agency.

        25. Bidders not receiving the One Time Password (OTP) to submit a bid.

        The OTP will be sent to the mobile number and the email address registered under the company contact person. You must check if the email address and the mobile number provided is correct and valid under My Account tab. You need to click on the View Profile tab and click on the company contact person details page. If you still do not receive OTP, after the verification you must contact PMDD, DNP for support.

        26. Can the bidders Modify/Substitute the bid once it is submitted?

        Yes, you can modify/substitute until the last bid submission date and time. You need to click on the Modify / Substitute button in the Tend. Preparation tab of that bid to make necessary changes.

        27. Can the bidders withdraw the bid once it is submitted?

        Yes, you can withdraw until the last bid submission date and time. You need to click on the Withdrawal button by clicking on the Tend Preparation tab of that bid. However, you cannot resubmit the same bid again once it is withdrawn.

        28. How do the bidders get back the bid security?

        Once the evaluation and award process are completed by the procuring agency, PA/AU of Procuring Agency will send a release request to the Financial Institution User (Branch Checker). Then the Branch checker will receive the release request and release the bid security from e-GP after which the bidder can collect from the bank.

        29. Who should be assigned the PA role in the e-GP?

        The PA role should be assigned to Procurement Officers. In the case where there is no procurement officer, the PA role should be assigned to the Procurement focal person who is dealing with procurement activities in that agency.

        30. Can PA Admin reset the password of users?

        Yes, PA admin has to login and click on view Government users where a list of users will appear. There is a Reset Password link to reset the password of the users.

        31. Can PA Admin edit the details of the users?

        Yes, PA Admin can edit the details except email address/ User ID. If you need to change the email, you have to contact PMDD, DNP.

        32. How to change the date and time for the extension of bid security of the tender?

        It can be changed by issuing a corrigendum before the bid closing deadline is lapsed. PA/AU can edit date and time, provide comments, and submit for approval of HoPA. After the approval, PA/AU should publish the corrigendum by clicking on the Amendment/Corrigendum tab of that tender.

        33. How do the procuring agencies prepare the list of additional supporting documents required to be submitted by the bidder?

        The PA/AU (Tender creator) can prepare the additional supporting documents requirement (for e.g. Manufacturer's Authorization) by clicking on the Prepare required document list link in the tender forms and providing the name of the documents that are required to be submitted by the bidders.

        34. Is the bid opening committee required?

        No, unlike in e-GP phase I, now PA/AU (tender creator) can open the bid without forming a committee after the opening time is lapsed.

        35. What do the procuring agencies need to do if the opening date and time is lapsed?

        PA/AU (Tender Creator) can still open the bid without requiring for an opening time extension.

        36. How do branch checker release Bid security?

        After receiving the release request from the Procuring Agency user, Branch checker should login and perform the following steps in e-GP:

        1. Click on Payment tab
        2. Click on Tender Payment tab
        3. Search with Tender ID and Verification Status
        4. Click on Release link
        5. Give a comment and click on Submit button
        6. Then Payment will be releases from e-GP system

          37. How do the bank users cancel the bid security which is mistakenly processed in e-GP?

          To cancel the bid security updated in the wrong tender or lots, the branch maker can cancel the bid security which was wrongly updated and have to update/process the bid security in the correct/desired tender or lots. To cancel the bid security, Branch maker shall follow the following process:

          1. Click on Payment tab
          2. Click on Tender payment tab
          3. Search with Tender ID and click on the dashboard of that tender.
          4. Click on Tender security
          5. Click on Payment tab under Action column
          6. Insert the correct Email ID/User ID of the bidder who needs to cancel the bid security
          7. Click on Cancel link
          8. Provide comments and click on Submit button
          9. Then payment will be cancelled from e-GP system

            38. Do we need to upload a scan copy of BG for bid security in e-GP?

            It is not mandatory to upload the scanned copy of BG in the e-GP when updating the bid security of bidders. However, bank users shall be responsible for validity and authenticity of bid Security.

            39. When should the PA/AU click on the "Urgent TEC Reform" under the evaluation tab?

            The PA/AU should perform this action only when the members of the tender evaluation committee have to be replaced due to some unavoidable circumstances. Urgent TEC reform once initiated has to be completed with approval from the HOPA. Otherwise, you cannot proceed with the evaluation process.

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            Version: 3.3.0
            Procurement Management and Development Division (PMDD), Department of Procurement and Properties, Ministry of Finance, Royal Government of Bhutan
            Designed & Developed by Dohatec New Media, Bangladesh.